Friday, June 8, 2012

Damir Pašić: Ispovijest jednog ateiste / Confessions of an atheist

Iz uratka se iščitava intimni portret autora, čija ličnost je u svojoj esenciji rascijepljena. 
On je odrastao u vjerskoj porodici. 
Njegov osjećaj povezanosti sa Bogom žrtvovan je novom, odraslom i potentnom muškarcu koji egzistira kao vrhovni autoritet - hipotetički konstrukt, u svijesti autora.

What we can see in this artwork is the intimate portrait of its author, whose personality is, in its essence, fractured.
He was raised in a religious family.
His sense of connection with God has been sacrificed to the new, adult and potent man in his life who exists as a supreme authority - hypothetical construct, in the mind of the author.

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