I have to admit - this artwork, which was submitted to me for review quite a while ago, is among the top 7 of my favourites.
The edgy humor which it radiates is contagious, while the story it tells is actually rather simple - this is the illustration of the contempt towards the generally accepted definitions of a woman is regularly (in the media and otherwise) represented as a mere sexual object - property of a man, without her own voice.
This is the female perspective of the situation - a protest against such society and its perfidious manipulative appendages and institutions (primarily, the fashion industry and the marketing machinery which exploits the female body in the most heinous possible way).
An alternative title for this artwork which could convey the message even more clearly: 'Misogyny on the pillar of shame'
Priznati ću - ovaj rad, kojeg sam prilično davno dobio na komentiranje, jedan je od mojih 7 omiljenih.
The edgy humor which it radiates is contagious, while the story it tells is actually rather simple - this is the illustration of the contempt towards the generally accepted definitions of a woman is regularly (in the media and otherwise) represented as a mere sexual object - property of a man, without her own voice.
This is the female perspective of the situation - a protest against such society and its perfidious manipulative appendages and institutions (primarily, the fashion industry and the marketing machinery which exploits the female body in the most heinous possible way).
An alternative title for this artwork which could convey the message even more clearly: 'Misogyny on the pillar of shame'
Priznati ću - ovaj rad, kojeg sam prilično davno dobio na komentiranje, jedan je od mojih 7 omiljenih.
Britki humor kojim odiše je zarazan, dok je priča koju nosi zapravo prilično jednostavna - ovo je slika prijezira prema općeprihvaćenim definicijama žene koja se redovito (u medijima i uopće) prezentira kao seksualni objekat - vlasništvo muškarca, koje nema pravo glasa.
Ovo je žensko viđenje situacije - protest protiv takvog društva i njegovih perfidnih manipulativnih pipaka - institucija (pri čemu se prvenstveno misli na modnu industriju te marketinšku mašineriju koja u svom radu eksploatira žensko tijelo na najgnjusniji mogući način).
Novi naziv za ovaj uradak koji bi jos jezgrovitije mogao prikazati ovu poruku bio bi: Mizoginija na stubu srama.