"While I was growing up, my mother would tell me over and over again 'Jedi zeleno ('eat the greens')', while I, as many other children, was reluctant to do it...
Now, as an adult, I see that my daily life has become a constant struggle to put the food on the table, and I have developed a new appreciation for the greens, especially the ones not polluted by GMO and pesticides, that end up being more poison than food. My photography project in the making represents desperate grasping for nutrition, wealth, money, and everything that 'green' represents.
Dok sam odrastala, majka mi je stalno ponavljala 'jedi zeleno', dok sam ja, kao i većina djece, to uglavnom odbijala...
Sada, kada sam odrasla, vidim kako se život pretvorio u svakodnevnu borbu za stavljanjem hrane na sto, i razvila sam novo poštovanje prema zelenju, naročito onome nezagađenome GMO-om i pesticidima, što je više otrov nego hrana. Moj fotografski projekat u nastajanju predstavlja očajno i gladno posezanje za zdravom prehranom, obiljem, novcem, i svemu što 'zeleno' predstavlja.
Ovdje mi se svidja jasnoća izraza i tako dobro prikazan akt POSEZANJA, uzurpiranja....penetracije - kao općeprihvaćeni standard u našemu društvu otimačine, gdje više nista nije sveto - pa ni hrana koja u marketinškoj trci postaje samo sredstvo izmuzanja gladne svjetine.
Erozija morala. U srž pogodjena prostitucija vrijednosti.
What I like here is the clarity of expression and excellently depicted act of REACHING, usurping...penetration - as an universally accepted standard in our society of violent taking, where nothing is sacred anymore - not even the food, which has, in a marketing competition, become a mere tool for extortion of the hungry crowd.
Erosion of morality. Prostitution of values shown in its core.
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