A very simple and effective depiction of the conflict between tradition and modern understanding.
The fabric of tradition is ripped here by the explosive breakthrough of the new ideas. They are crowding in front of the newly made 'entrance' to the red, traditional zone of the rules, authorities and unconditional obedience which are FORBIDDEN to question.
The artist has 'captured' the moment of astonished confrontation: 'window' into the new and progressive has been opened while she is watching it in amazement from the perspective of tradition.
We can strongly sense her bafflement with the size and meaning of the newly discovered world which had been hidden for so long behind various bans that she was not even aware of.
This is a question directed at our limitations, blind faith in learned patterns and rules of behaviour and our lack of consciousness about the actual state of our being...
Veoma jednostavan i efektan prikaz sukoba tradicije i suvremenih shvatanja.
Tkivo tradicije ovdje je načeto eksplozivnim prodorom novih ideja. One su natiskane pred novonastalim “ulazom” u crvenu tradicionalnu zonu pravila, autoriteta i bespogovorne poslušnosti koje je ZABRANJENO preispitivati.
Umjetnica je “uhvatila” trenutak začuđenog suočavanja:
“prozor” u novo i progresivno otvoren je dok ga ona zainteresirano promatra iz prespektive tradicije. Snažno osjećamo njezino čuđenje veličinom i značenjem novootkrivenoga svijeta koji je bio tako dugo skriven “iza zabrana”, a kojih nije bila svjesna.
Ovo je pitanje o našim ograničenjima, slijepom vjerovanju u naučene obrasce i pravila ponašanja i naše nesvijesti o stvarnom stanju vlastitoga bića…