'I'm in a good mood today' is an artwork that simply radiates optimism. The atmosphere is fully charged with positive energy. The artist has skilfully set up the composition in a way that gives us the feeling that the structure shown in the photography will, in a matter of moments, burst out of its frame and engulf us in joy.
It is the very same feeling of the infinite inspiration which I recognize in the marvelous painting by Jackson Pollock 'Mural on Indian Red Ground' (shown below for those of you not familiar with it).
'I'm in a good mood today' is a true refreshment, and honestly, I would like to have it in my collection.
“Danas sam dobre volje” je uradak potpuno protkan optimizmom. Atmosfera je nabijena pozitivnom energijom. Umjetnik je majstorski postavio kompoziciju tako da dobijamo osjećaj da će se struktura sa fotografije svakog trena, doslovice, izliti i preplaviti nas ugodom.
To je isti onaj osjećaj bezgranične inspiracije koji prepoznajem i na sjajnoj slici Jackson Pollocka ““Mural on Indian Red Ground”. (niže prikazano, za Vas koji niste upoznati s dotičnim djelom)
“Danas sam dobre volje” pravo je osvježenje i iskreno – volio bih ju imati u svojoj kolekciji.
Jackson Pollock, 'Mural On Indian Red Ground'