Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I usually do not give negative reviews - but this time I have to make an exception.
What sort of a title is 'Rainy Morning'?! The point has been completely missed here!
And if the artwork itself wasn't extremely attention-worthy, I would have refrained from commenting, but this piece is a genuine PEARL which simply demands for the correction of the injustice done to it by the clumsy choice of title.

Obviously, what is represented here is a love affair between a man and a woman. We can easily recognize the ebbing passion and the escalation of the relationship in which one of the partners demands, blackmails, manipulates and threatens the other one, and uses his obsession to suffocate the other's freedom.
This is an intense, neurotic relationship based on the sexual attraction, painted with a surgical precision with a large dose of fear and passion - which testifies about the sincerity of the author who, obviously, tells the story from a personal experience.

My suggestion for the title: Time of Anguish

Also, this artwork reminds me of a lithograph by Joan Miró (shown below) which, under its inconspicuous title ('Green') hides the defeat and humiliating surrender of one side in the end of such a toxic relationship.

Poglavito ne dajem negativne kritike – ali ovoga puta pravim iznimku.
Kakav je to naziv “Kišno jutro”? Pa tu je potpuno promašena poanta!

I da samo djelo nije vrijedno pažnje ne bih se ni ja pačao u to, međutim ovo je BISER koji zahtijeva da se ispravi nanešena mu nepravda izazvana nezgrapnim odabirom naslova.

Ovdje je, naravno,riječ o ljubavnoj vezi između muškarca i žene. 
Prepoznajemo narastajuću strast i razvoj odnosa u kojem jedan zahtijeva, ucjenjuje, manipulira i prijeti, te svojom  opsesijom guši slobodu onog drugog. 
To je intenzivan, neurotičan odnos zasnovan na seksualnoj privlačnosti, oslikan hirurskom preciznošću uz veliku dozu straha i strasti - što nam samo svjedoči o iskrenosti autora koji, očito, pripovijeda iz ličnog iskustva.

Prijedlog naslova: Doba strijepnje

Također, ovaj rad me podsjetio na niže prikazanu litografiju Joana Miróa, koja iza neutralnog naslova ('Green') skriva prikaz poražavajuće predaje jedne strane na kraju takve toksične veze.

Joan Miró, 'Green'

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