Monday, June 18, 2012


Duality of reality...

This is a depiction of the male and female principles, in their infinite play and mutual chase of one another, in the search and desire of understanding... The merging of the two (especially the sexual kind) is only secondary here - the author focuses more on the feelings based on tenderness, on the observation of the two opposites which do not understand each other, but feel each other instead.

Those two inadvertantly, due to their curiosity and ignorance, begin the cyclical course of events which bring about chaos, which, in time, transforms into an endless source of creative energy. Those are the two extremes that never truly get to know the real nature of the other side, nor the duality of reality in which they exist, and which is defined precisely by male/female principles.

Dualnost stvarnosti…

Ovo je prikaz  muškog i ženskog principa, u beskonačnoj igri  i natjeravanju, u potrazi i želji da se shvate… Spajanje, (posebice seksualno), ovdje je u drugom planu – autor se više zadržava na osjećaju baziranom na nježnosti, na posmatranju dviju krajnosti koje se ne shvaćaju, ali se osjećaju.

One nehotično, svojom radoznalošću i neznanjem započinju ciklični tijek događaja koji donose kaos što se vremenom transformira u nepresušni izvor stvaralačke energije. 
Dvije su to krajnosti koje nikada suštinski ne spoznaju pravu prirodu druge strane i dualnost stvarnosti u kojoj žive, a koja je u potpunosti definirana upravo muško-ženskim principima. 

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